
Tallapoosa Informational Notes From August 12th Council Meeting

Aug 24, 2021 | Action Summary of City Council Meetings

Mayor Pro Tem Jacqueline Roberts called the meeting to order on Thursday evening, August 12, 2021. Prayer was by Dan Pope.

  • Mayor Pro Tem Roberts welcomed everyone to the meeting and took a moment to discuss some reminders for the city residents and to thank them for their continued cooperation with city efforts.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Roberts stated that the Splost VI, T-Splost, and Golf Reports are available for anyone wishing to view or receive a copy.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Roberts thanked all the “Street Captains” for keeping the streets of Tallapoosa free of litter.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Roberts thanked all the city residents who are displaying an American Flag at their home and showing their support of Veterans by displaying a green outside light and their support of the police and first responders by having a blue outside light.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Roberts asked all residents to remember to roll their garbage cans out for pick up the night before your pickup day each week. Residents were also asked to please remember to roll their carts back to their proper storage location after pick up. The City has appointed a Tallapoosa Police Officer to act as City Marshall to address this and other similar types of violations.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Roberts reminded everyone to call City Hall to be put on the Brush and Limb Pick Up list. If your location is not on the list, the contractor will not know to come down your street. Residents were reminded to cut limbs in no longer than 4 feet lengths and to separate the limbs from the brush when possible. Pick up day is Thursday.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Roberts announced her intention to resign her position as Council Member for Post #3 on Monday, August 16, 2021. She is resigning to be able to Qualify to run for election of the Mayoral seat of the City of Tallapoosa. With her resignation, the position of Mayor Pro Tem will need to be filled from the remaining Council Members.
  • The Council passed a Motion to appoint Bobby Parker as the Mayor Pro Tem for the Tallapoosa City Council effective with the resignation of current Mayor Pro Tem Jacqueline Roberts on Monday, August 16, 2021.
  • Ms. Julie George of the auditing team of Rushton Accounting & Business Advisors addressed the Mayor Pro Tem, Council Members and all present as she reviewed the City of Tallapoosa’s Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ended August 31, 2020. The audit opinion expressed was that the financial statements referred to present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business-type activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Tallapoosa, Georgia, as of August 31, 2020 and the respective changes in financial position and, where applicable, cash flows thereof, and the budgetary comparison of the General Fund and the Urban Development Action Grant Special Revenue Fund for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
  • The Council passed a Motion to tentatively set the 2021 City of Tallapoosa Property Tax Millage Rate at 7.03 mills. This is a decrease of .04 mills from last year. This means if your 2021 assessed valuation remained the same or decreased from the 2020 valuation, your taxes will be slightly less than last year.
  • The Council passed a Motion to appoint Ms. Gina Griffith as the Election Superintendent for the 2021 election year.
  • The Council passed a Motion to award the 2021 LMIG repaving contract to the lowest bidder, which was Northwest Georgia Paving, Inc. Eight streets were listed in the bid: West Lipham Street—section 1, West Lipham Street—section 2, Frierson Street, Odessa Street, Kiker Street, South Jackson Street, Broad Street, and Arbacoochee Road.
  • The Council passed a Motion to approve the July 2021 Financial Statement as given by Financial Manager Melissa Chandler.
  • City Manager Philip Eidson gave the City Manager’s Report. Mr. Eidson reported that the city is doing some restoration work at the city ballpark. One ball field has been completed, but the city is waiting on the availability of brick dust to complete the other two fields. The city has also done some painting at the ballpark and work on the fencing. The city is trying to secure bids for new goals for basketball. The city is also doing restoration work in the Golf Course Club House. In the concession area, some appliances need updating and the city is looking at a fire extinguisher system. The city will be doing some repair work to our sewer system near the Sparrow Chapel on Lanier Way. In answer to Council Member Dan Pope’s question, Mr. Eidson stated that the sewer work would begin in approximately one month due to a shortage in the supply of pipe and manholes.
  • The Council passed a Motion to approve two plats. One plat was submitted by Settler Hunt, Jr. and Sharon J. Hunt, and one plat was submitted by William B. and Martha B. Duke, III.
  • Mr. Clarey continued the Planning Report by saying that the contractor for the TE Grant is required to submit some information to the Georgia Department of Transportation. Mr. Clarey expects the project to start in approximately one month.
  • At the request of City Manager Philip Eidson, Mr. Clarey delayed his return trip from the Georgia Municipal Association Convention on Monday, August 9, 2021, long enough to attend a class on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Mr. Clarey presented the Mayor Pro Tem and Council with a list of projects the city would like to see completed using the ARPA funds. The final order has not been given by the United States Treasury Department for the approved use of these funds. Mr. Clarey is also looking into the possibility of accessing some state ARPA funds under the umbrella of Tourism. Mr. Clarey stated that if some of the projects were not approved under ARPA funding, the city would submit for other grants.
  • The Council agreed that the Lobby at City Hall will continue to remain open to the public on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The Lobby will continue to be closed to the public on Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Roberts informed all present that she and the Council and the City Manager have been working on a project to honor Mayor William “Pete” Bridges. They met with Mayor Bridges’ family to discuss having a section of either U. S. Highway 78 or a section of GA Highway 100 from City limits to City limits named the William “Pete” Bridges Memorial Highway. Mayor Bridges’ family will decide which section of highway they prefer, and the City has been working with Representative Tyler Smith for the necessary approval to have the signage placed.
  • Mayor Pro Tem Roberts polled the Council Members for comments. Council Member Bobby Parker mentioned there is a section of Bowdon Street that has plants growing over the sidewalk. Public Works Director Boyd Coggins stated he would try to have this taken care of tomorrow. Council Member Dan Pope asked Mr. Coggins if he had trimmed some trees on Lyon Street. Mr. Coggins responded that some trimming had been done, but that he needs a pole saw to complete the job.
  • Mayor Pro Tem thanked the two guests in attendance and stated that she would like to see more interested citizens attend the meetings.
  • Meeting adjourned.

The Lobby at City Hall is now open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The Lobby remains closed on Tuesday and Thursday. Your City Hall staff will continue to report Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. as usual. Payments can still be made by using the “drop box” in front of city hall or online at or by calling the dedicated phone number of 1-855-608-2479.

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